New Books

History runs a range of features in support of new publications across a range of fields. The most recent blogs and interviews on new books are shown below, but you can browse the full category, search by subject, or use the search function at the bottom of the page for more.

If you are interested in contributing a post to support your new publication, this could appear either as an ‘original’ or in our ‘Critical Spaces’ series, in the format of an overview of your research, an author interview, or methodological piece. Please consult our submission guidelines before sending over your pitch or post.

In March 2021, we will take our attention to new publications to the next level with the launch of our new podcast series History: New Books. Aiming to make new publications accessible and interesting to all disciplines and research backgrounds, each episode will feature an interview between historians about their new work.

Recent Posts:

Image: Envelope with commemorative stamp (EWCS) № 185. The 125th anniversary of the birth of Yevgeny Zamyatin. Sourced via Wikimedia Commons.